Internet Marketing

Warrior Forum Posting For May 14, 2012

In addition to writing posts on this blog and other blogs, I frequently post on the Warrior Forum. Much of what I post relates to the content and purpose of this site: Education in Internet Marketing. So these posts are summaries of what was posted there. "SHOULD I CONSIDER ARTICLE MARKETING?" Response: " Reading the […]

Email List Building Experiment Day 15 – 1st Solo

So the first solo ad I ordered for this experiment ran today and yesterday.  It was from a provider I found on the warrior forum.  I ordered a 150 click package for around $75 (a bit pricey). So the results are pretty much in and overall for opt ins I am very pleased.  I had […]

Email List Building Experiment Day 13

So 10 days have passed and here is what has been done with this project: First, I decided to try out with this particular project and so I purchased 10,000 global visitors to land on my capture page.  Set that up and they were all delivered in about 4 hours.  Out of 10K, I […]

Email List Building Experiment Day 1

So I decided I wanted to create a new list in the Internet Marketing niche and go over the process on this blog to document the various traffic approaches and how successful they are. While this is being documented and it is a study of sorts, it is still based on solid IM products, a […]